Do We Need More Haters? Why is SST Using Bun? And Does Adam Need Drugs?

Can you control your body with your mind? What about your stomach and food? Adam's got more questions about Dax's tweets, SST is changing to Bun, Adam's tired of all the things but can't stop all the things, Dax is trying to move, and we all have a graph partitioning problem.

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  • (00:00) - Adam's not sick
  • (00:34) - The power of your mind
  • (04:03) - The psychology of food
  • (06:49) - True crime podcasting
  • (11:31) - Does the amount of people on earth feel more positive or negative?
  • (15:25) - The developer family tree
  • (18:22) - Do we need more haters?
  • (27:26) - Who is Dax subtweeting?
  • (33:05) - Why SST is using Bun
  • (34:48) - SST live Lambda change
  • (38:02) - What about our guests?
  • (39:40) - Are you tired of everything?
  • (46:04) - What about drugs?
  • (49:19) - Dax is trying to move - you'll never guess where
  • (57:41) - Our online persona vs reality
  • (01:06:49) - Adam's graph partitioning problem
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Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Do We Need More Haters? Why is SST Using Bun? And Does Adam Need Drugs?
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