Bonus: Kombucha Influencers
Do you wanna do the thing where we stay on after we say bye?
Dax:Okay. Don't you have to pee there?
Adam:I do have to pee. I it's like it's when you you have to pee, but then it kinda goes away a little bit. But it's still there. It's not completely gone. But, like, I could go a little bit longer.
Adam:You know?
Dax:Did I tell you that I I'm just gonna change topics entirely. That well, sort of. It's it's about liquids still. Did I tell you that I changed kombucha brands?
Dax:Yes. I'm no longer drinking GT's pineapple.
Adam:I just had the thought the other day looking at the kombucha aisle. Like, who buys these other brands of kombucha? Like, it's GT's. That's all there is. What are these other companies trying to make it then?
Adam:One, I don't know who buys it, period. I feel like it's Company's trying to make a dip.
Dax:Well, one, I don't know who buys it, period. I feel like it's literally just me that's going there and just buying, like, Large amounts of pizza.
Adam:See anyone else in that out. Yeah. It's like its own little section. Yeah. Same.
Adam:But what what are you what are you drinking now?
Dax:So I went to a burger place, by me the other day. And they had kombucha as an option, and I was like, okay, might as well try it. It has a brand called Radiate, and it was it's Green apple flavored?
Dax:It tastes like Radiate. I don't think you're gonna be able to get it. It's like the their headquarters is, like, a mile away from me. It's Local to Miami?
Adam:Oh. Oh, it's one of those exclusive.
Dax:Yeah. Because you know what I mean?
Adam:Cold pressed. It's cold pressed, people.
Dax:In real places, we have stuff like this.
Adam:I'm buying it. I'm gonna buy you can shop on their website. Don't think I'm the peeling.
Dax:Green apple flavor, I would really enjoy. It tastes Quick view. It tastes like a Jolly Rancher almost. It's just delicious.
Adam:I've already got a 24 pack on the way, my friend. Thinking you're exclusive with your Miami competition.
Dax:I get the yeah. I I get the 24 a pack now. I get the 24 a pack
Dax:Once a month.
Adam:Me too. Turns out.
Dax:Well, I get it same day delivery.
Adam:You only drink 1 in a month? It's the same day. They're just walking over to your house.
Dax:They've It's literally
Adam:A little, like ordered It's
Dax:like down one road. If you, like, go down one road for 2 miles, you'll hit them. I actually just wanna go pick it up and then okay. Here's what I wanna do, actually. So they have a wholesale option.
Dax:Right? Which I imagine maybe might be, like, 50% cheaper.
Adam:Well, it's $84 for a 24 pack. So I hope so. Go ahead.
Dax:$84? Is Is that what it is?
Adam:It's $24 a can. $4.
Dax:Yeah. $3 or $4 a can. I wanna ask them, like, hey, can I Upfront give you cash for, like, a year's worth? Like, whatever the minimum wholesale amount. Can I give you that?
Dax:But except instead of, like, selling giving it to me all at once, Can you just deliver it, like, once a month? Like, I'll upfront pay for the year's supply. Like, if you can give me 30 to 40 percent off. That's committed.
Adam:You're basically just a retail usage pattern, but you wanna get the discount. Yeah.
Dax:Yeah. But they get the money upfront. So, you know, it's, it's still a good deal for them. I would do it if I were them.
Adam:What? You think it's half off? That's That'd be incredible.
Dax:Must cost this caboose can must cost, like, 10ยข to make. Like, not even. It's so cheap to make. Yeah. I'm like, yeah.
Adam:I'm really curious. I'm gonna order a case of this because this sounds
Dax:oh, I mean, anything that's exclusive, I get immediately It's not Exclusive. I never meant to imply it was exclusive. I just meant it's local.
Adam:Like it was only for Miamens. Miamens? Miamens.
Dax:Well, it's just convenient because Here's the other thing. I think GT's mastered the shipping because, like, they ship everywhere. Like, even to the middle of nowhere where you are, you got GT's Pineapple.
Dax:Somehow he managed to get it there. And it's so fizzy when you drink it, I imagine. And, like, it's not. It is. Not a problem.
Adam:Yeah. No. It's good. We have good we have good GT's kombucha here. It's not second rate.
Dax:So I don't know if Radiate has figured that out. I don't know how it
Adam:Oh, so it might not be as good when it gets here. That's what you're trying to say. Saying if you
Dax:don't live a mile away Yeah. It's fresh fresh from the tanks. When they drop it off, they don't ring my doorbell. So they just leave it in the front, and it's, like, warm at that point. And I'm, like, is this okay?
Dax:What? It's been fine. But they don't ship it.
Adam:I don't know. If I drink anything with floating bacteria in it, I want it to be cold.
Dax:I get it in the fridge pretty quickly, but I I wonder if they ship it as far as they ship to you. Like, are they making sure it's cold
Adam:the whole time? Oh, that's a great question,
Dax:Like, they can't leave at room temperature or, like, outdoor temperature for, like, 2 days, can they?
Adam:There's no way they can do that. No. Well, we order lots of food. Like, We've done meal plans and stuff, and they send them in, like, the big
Dax:insulated thing.
Adam:That have, like, dry ice. Yeah. The boys love playing with the dry ice.
Dax:I know. Me too. I put in this blanket so fun. YouTube. Yeah.
Dax:I love it.
Adam:Just billows all over. Yeah.
Dax:Yeah. I've been playing with ice for a long time.
Adam:There's one review on the Green Apple, radiate online.
Dax:By me? Did I write it?
Adam:Maybe. Clifford g, is that you? In a topsy-turvy world, 5 stars, by the way. In a topsy-turvy listen. In a topsy-turvy world, Radiate's green apple kombucha continues to be my north star, Capital n, capital s.
Adam:Joking, of course, that would be my wife. This guy totally hangs out on LinkedIn.
Dax:Oh, man. But Radiate
Adam:Green Apple is by miles My favorite kombucha of all time.
Dax:Clifford g. That was a recent review. I just pulled it up, September 29th. That was a month ago.
Adam:I feel like I feel like that's fake, but maybe not.
Dax:So they have other flavors, but I'm, like, too scared to try them because I like the green apple one so much that I don't wanna have a bad experience.
Adam:If I have a good thing at a place, I will get that thing for the rest of my life. I'd never try anything else. If I know I like a thing, I don't go to that place very often. If it's a restaurant or something, Like, I'm gonna get that same thing repeatedly.
Dax:Yeah. They do have a pineapple one, which I've tried. And I I think the GT's pineapple one's actually better. But the other ones are a little, like, intimidating. There's one called mermaid magic.
Adam:Black rose?
Dax:Black rose flower power? A pollinator?
Adam:Pollinator? What is that supposed to mean?
Dax:Poppy poppy.
Adam:A green apple sounds delicious. I'm gonna try it. We'll see.
Dax:You went for the 24. You didn't even go for the 12. You're, like, all in.
Adam:No. I'm gonna straight for the you gotta you gotta give it enough time. I'm gonna have to really, you know, 2 a day for
Dax:a couple weeks to make sure I really like it. Like, I got the candles.
Adam:They look small.
Dax:They are small. Okay. That's another thing I like. It's the GT is 1, when you open it, it's a big commitment, like, to drink the whole thing.
Adam:Yeah. No. It's a it's like a pretty big drink, yeah, to have in one sitting, for sure. I don't actually I just drink half.
Dax:But then, like, the fizziness goes away pretty quickly. So That's why I'm like, hey, this is the right size. This is, like I I can always crank
Adam:this whole thing. One right there. Have you been holding it up the whole time? I've just been staring at the website and I don't know.
Dax:I don't remember. But, yeah, it's real. No joke.
Adam:Okay. Okay. I really do have to pee now. I think we're gonna have to actually get off.
Dax:Alright. Cool.
Adam:Okay. In the top tier world, this this podcast has been my North Star dash. Sort of.
Dax:Yeah. It's only consistent part of my schedule.
Adam:It really is, like, the only consistent thing I've done most this year.
Dax:So Yeah. But
Adam:we're just taking a holiday break. Everybody calm down. Stop acting like we're never gonna see each other again. I'm gonna call you, like, tomorrow. And I'll be like, we gotta talk.
Dax:But I'm not gonna pick up.
Adam:Okay. Well, fine. Alright. See you next.
Dax:Alright. Bye bye.