Terminal Coffee Updates, and Dax Analyzes Adam (again)

Adam is tired, Dax tries to help analyze Adam in a surprisingly kind way, struggling to fend off grifters, Terminal Coffee updates, and Rspack news.

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  • (00:00) - Say more words
  • (00:27) - Adam's tired
  • (03:52) - Dax tries to analyze Adam but also be kind. It's weird. But it works.
  • (16:08) - Sensing happiness from people you look up to
  • (18:47) - Mo money mo problems
  • (21:03) - The world is set up to tap into Adam's personality
  • (28:00) - Is the SAD American diet to blame?
  • (31:28) - After you admit you're lost, what next?
  • (33:38) - Dax's non-pretentious pretentious way of speaking
  • (35:19) - Sponsor: Terminal.shop
  • (35:32) - SST's new multiplexer
  • (37:10) - Terminal coffee update
  • (37:44) - Are all kids jerks or just the ones around Adam?
  • (40:07) - Does the business owner life ever slow down or stop?
  • (43:51) - Rspack news
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Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Terminal Coffee Updates, and Dax Analyzes Adam (again)
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