SST Ion Update, Benefits of SQLite, Adam Goes Zed, Dax Goes Mac, and Getting Old
My life is great.
Adam:I know you believe that. That's why it's so funny to me. Like, you really love your life, and I I love it for you.
Dax:You've been amazing.
Adam:So it's 10 years of arts that do it for you. Go ahead.
Dax:Got it. Just my white balance, I look kinda dead.
Adam:Oh, yeah? Like a little gray. A little gray? Maybe maybe you are a little dead. Maybe we're all a little dead.
Dax:I, I adjusted it when I was recording the video, the first thing we published yesterday. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. You wanted to look a little dead for that one. Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about it.
Adam:So s s SSD Ion is I don't this is the the general availability? What is this? Because there's been a few releases. It's it was kind of, like, kind of available. Now it's really available.
Dax:It's funny. And I wonder if we're doing this wrong because every other company is, like, a 100% secretive until they, like, launch it.
Adam:Yeah. Yeah.
Dax:Which I get because it makes a bigger impact and it's like, you don't spread out the you don't, like, dilute the excitement at all Yeah. As much. But we just can't help talking
Adam:about shit.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. I'm just excited about the stuff I'm working on. So I'm just, like, I just want to constantly talk about it. And that has, like, different benefits.
Dax:But, yeah, it does feel like there's, like, endless releases, in that sense. But, yeah, I think for us, we were just, we were just working in public. So if you were watching our docs and watching build in public, I think. Yeah. We're doing the indie hacker strategy, except people actually care.
Adam:Oh, man. Shots fired so early in the podcast. I I prefer the way you guys do it. I mean, I like knowing. But it does raise the question.
Adam:I'm constantly like, wait. Should I be can I use this now? Yeah. Exactly. Is it ready for me?
Adam:But now there's a YouTube video, so I feel like I should use it now. It's it's really out there.
Dax:Yeah. There's like I mean, I think it it the downside is it feels like a bunch of false starts, which maybe we'll try it differently for the next one, but we'll see. Yeah. So we're calling this generally available. To be honest, it's because we don't wanna call it a 1 point o because we're not, like, that confident, and we don't wanna say, like, it's stable because we're not that confident.
Adam:Yeah. I
Dax:mean, we we are, but, like, we need that give us, like, a couple of weeks where people are actually using it and nothing crazy happens. But, yeah. So it's generally available, which is great because I know a lot of people were waiting on it. It's been amazing to see how many people have, 1, already been using it just from there's people that are really excited, like found ways to use it, even though we haven't documented it. They even found ways to use stuff that we didn't technically support.
Dax:We're gonna support, but we didn't technically support. And so somebody was like, oh, I wanna, like, spin up an Upstash queue. And, obviously, with Ion, like, we're gonna help you spin up everything. Yeah. But I forgot to do one little thing to make that easier.
Dax:And someone replied with, like, a perfect way to use that even though we didn't intentionally support. They found a way to use it anyway. Yeah. And this keeps happening over and over. Like, people are, like, finding clever ways to to do things that, we didn't foresee or we did foresee and we haven't actually supported yet.
Dax:It feels like it feels like the community is like water and, like, you let you know when you, like, spill water, it gets in, like, every crack? Mhmm.
Adam:That's what
Dax:it feels like. It feels like they're, like, flowing into, like, every crack and every groove and and figuring everything out.
Adam:So the benefit of the open thing. Right? Like, you guys can get functionality. I mean, even if it's not, like, PRs or whatever, but, like, the community's eyes on stuff early just opens up all kinds of awareness for you guys, I think.
Dax:Yeah. That's exactly why we do it. Because it there's just that's a benefit of open source. You can, like, really scale out some stuff that you just can't do internally. So, yeah, people found all kinds of bugs.
Dax:We did get a bunch of PRs too, which have been great. But, yeah, so we for you yesterday, we wanted to do, like, okay, like, a this this is gonna feel like a normal launch. So, of course, we always do one of our videos, which yeah. I was kind of posting that this morning where our videos have constraints because I can only allocate so much time for it. So this one that we did yesterday, I was like, okay, Monday's gonna be the day that I do it.
Dax:I literally just sat and I filmed and edited at the same time as I like, I would like record some stuff, edit it, see how it went, then I would film more stuff. Then, like, I would kind of do it all together.
Adam:Interesting. Yeah.
Dax:And that works because I didn't have time to spend, like, really fleshing out a script ahead of time and really thinking at things through. I needed to, like, try it as I went along. And, like, a lot of it wasn't good at first, and I, like, thought of new lines and, like, rerecord it and stuff. But
Adam:I like the humor. I like the way you write these things. It's always like, oh, decks can do that? Like, it's it's it's like a whole second skill you have. You should oh, the talent show at React Miami.
Adam:You should write a little a little I don't know. What is what would you write?
Dax:I was thinking about that. I Michelle mentioned there's a talent show at the opening party, and I for and she hasn't mentioned anything about it. And she hasn't, like, asked anyone. So I don't know if that's still happening. I hope it does.
Adam:Signed up for it? Yeah. Was is there a sign up?
Dax:I don't know.
Adam:Maybe it's just a spontaneous. Get up on the stage. Show your talents.
Dax:That that actually makes sense. Maybe I'll just I was thinking about oh, yeah. I can just get up on stage for 5 minutes and, like, roast everyone.
Adam:Just roast
Dax:I can possibly imagine.
Adam:Your skill. And everyone knows you have that skill. I guess it's kind of the same, part of your brain probably as these, like, comedy sketches that you're able to write, which is always, like, surprising to me.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. This one was I think the format so, again, we're very constrained, which is good in one sense because we're not professional comedy writers. So if you gave us, like, infinite time and budget, I think we would just be completely lost. So it's always constrained to, like, what can I do at my desk talking to the camera that's, like, you know, somewhat funny?
Dax:But with this one, what the way I went about it was, like, other let me think of every annoying question we're gonna get, or, like, just just predict every single thing that's gonna come up.
Adam:And get ahead of it.
Dax:Yeah. Then let me just give you, like, a dumbass response to every single thing. Because the the the one that really sticks out is the, like, what's the point of SSC? Like, why can't it just pull me directly? Like, we've been getting this question for so long.
Adam:I think I asked you that question a while. I know.
Dax:It's a reasonable question. It's just like we first started as a thin wrapper over CDK from day 1, like and myself too. Okay. When I first found SST, I was like, this is cool, but I'm gonna try to stick to CDK because I don't wanna use, like, a use, like, a rapper. And then eventually, I just got sucked in.
Dax:I think that's what happens to everyone. So that's, like, a constant thing. And I'm like, oh, we're gonna have to go through this again because we're starting off again on top of a new thing. Yeah. And, like, we'll be less than in the future, but we are kind of thin right now.
Dax:But, yeah, that does come up. The benchmark stuff I thought was also a classic thing.
Adam:Like, we
Dax:put so much effort into the speed and we're it's like, we hope people notice. Like, it this. Like, it is it is faster, but, like, there's a lot of cases where it's still slow.
Adam:Yeah. Did you see the CloudFormation announcement that, like, this
Dax:40% faster? Yeah. Okay. 1 that was the longest blog post I've ever seen for something so basic. Okay.
Adam:Couldn't have been a bullet point.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. The the and, you know, the concept they did was good. It was, they're gonna add an intermediary state for resources. So when a resource is created, like it's been sent to AWS, scheduled to be created, it gets an intermediary state instead of waiting for it to fully be, like, created and replicated and all that.
Dax:Once it's in that intermediary state, other resources that depend on it can assume that it'll probably come up so they can they can go. So it like it's it's less blocking. Very straightforward. But for some reason, it included like a full tutorial on how to build a new application on CloudFormation. And I was like, this is so long.
Dax:I just wanna know what they did. So that was that was a good improvement. And I I think, yeah, like like other IAC tools should, like, probably have something like that. They kind of already do, but I think they could do it a little bit more explicitly. So, yes, we did see that, But then we go to use it, and it's just still as slow as
Adam:Well, yeah. I mean, I know there's so many reasons that you guys made the move you did that are not just performance. Like Yeah. Not just the speed or the pain of CloudFormation deployments. Yeah.
Adam:I'm excited. I'm excited to play with it. I'm I'm it's gonna be a big part of work on a course, as you know. Yeah. Been filming this morning, actually.
Dax:Oh, wow.
Adam:And it's gonna be I'm so excited that Ion is timing out. Like, I'm so slow at making things, and now Yeah.
Dax:I'm glad that worked
Adam:out. And Ion is ready, and I can just make my course on Ion instead of anything else. I'm I'm pumped., just a little shill if you guys wanna check it out. You can sign up
Dax:for this link. I actually think it's gonna be especially good for your course because the one thing that I'm actually really proud of is how much we removed where it's like a single thing and a single config file, and that's all you need to know. Like Yeah. No NPM packages, no, like, split your stuff up into stacks. Like, not like, none of that, like, extra stuff you don't really need to know.
Adam:Concept is so, like I I hate it.
Dax:It's so hard to explain to people too. It's like, why do you have to split it? Okay. But then, like, how do I split it?
Adam:It's just like a leaked extraction or something. Yeah.
Dax:Yeah. Exactly. So, yeah, a lot of people commented, like, wow. This is so simple. And I'm, like, so glad that came through, like, especially getting rid of, like, all the NPM confusions where it's like, okay.
Dax:SSCs within this version, and that needs a very specific version of AWS utility libs. So if they're out of sync, then their types are gonna be messed up. And yeah. It's, really focused on simplicity this summer.
Adam:What what is the escape hatch again? It's just Terraform providers? Like, can any Terraform provider work? How does that
Dax:Yeah. So it's it's funny. Like, we everyone makes fun of web because it's just, like, layers of shit on top of each other. Like like, Nuxt is built on a Nitro, which is built on top of Vite, which is built you know, on top of Versus build, which also is so we always make fun of that. But then if you look at this stuff, it's pretty similar where, SST used Pulumi for infrastructure as code.
Dax:But Pulumi really mostly invented, like, the state management and, like, the language bindings and and how all that stuff works. And, like, really clever design around that. But for the actual stuff that, like, calls APIs, calls AWS, calls whatever, they mostly rely on Terraform providers. So you can adapt a Terraform provider to work inside Pulumi. And most of the things that are in the Pulumi registry are, like, sourced from Terraform providers.
Adam:Which is
Dax:smart because you tap into, like, this ecosystem. You don't, like, fragment it, which is great. Yeah. And they do have some native ones. So if you look at their registry, a lot of stuff that you need is there.
Dax:Even, like, newer stuff, like, I was surprised to see that Upstash had, had stuff in the Ploom registry. And then any Terraform provider that's not hasn't been adapted, there is a process to adapt it. And we're probably gonna spend a bunch of time, like, doing that for people for stuff that is not in there.
Adam:So did you show me something where, like, I can what was the thing you showed me where, like, I could create some kind of binding for anything I wanna Oh, yeah. We can rename binding. Resources? Yeah. The linkable thing.
Adam:Is that a Terraform?
Dax:Yeah. So we renamed binding to link. No. That that's actually if you think of what okay. Going back to the question of why wouldn't you just use Pulumi directly.
Dax:Really, the only thing we actually invented is a concept of linking. That's, like, our main feature. But when we haven't documented this yet, but we now have a way to, like, flag any resource. Let's say you're, like, Oh, I'm creating a Redis instance in Upsash. I want to link this to my functions.
Dax:You can, like, mark it linkable and say what fields should get exposed to the function and everything will work. That's not documented yet because we don't finalize API, but we will do that.
Adam:I like the word link over bind, by the way. Binding was always kind of confusing to me.
Dax:You know why we had to switch? It's just when you actually go through design some of this stuff, it's, like, really funny what you have to consider. Cloudflare natively has a concept called binding. Oh. So if we're gonna support Cloudflare, it's very confusing because there's like a Cloudflare binding in our binding.
Dax:So that forced the change, but then we're like, okay, link is the verb. What are the things that get linked? And that was like a whole conversation, Like, resources get linked. It was we spent, like, days on it, literally. Yeah.
Dax:But, yeah, I think it's a it's a better word, and it sounds, like, lighter.
Adam:Yeah. I like it. I'm excited excited for Ion.
Dax:Yeah. It's a new era.
Adam:Do you feel like a weight lifted after this release, or is it, like, it's same old, same old every day right now?
Dax:I feel a weight lifted once we get all the Cloudflare stuff done. Because right now, we it's roughly a lateral move. Like, obviously, like, infinite things are better, but capability wise, it's roughly the same capabilities.
Dax:But once we do native Cloudflare support, then then it's gonna be cool.
Adam:You guys launched your docs. Right?
Adam:Is there a, a document for migration, I'm assuming?
Dax:No. No. Okay. Because we we explicitly say this is best for new projects right now. Yeah.
Adam:But So probably we can't move my big repo over to this repo.
Dax:Gonna do that for you most likely.
Adam:Oh, you're gonna do it for me? Like a pull request?
Dax:Yeah. Because we we're gonna work through our own stuff and then we're gonna, like, work through your stuff and that's gonna be how we, we, like, figure out what the migration process should be, what tools are missing, etcetera. So lucky
Adam:for you. I love it. Lucky for me. So excited.
Dax:Yeah. That's, again, the benefit of just randomly making your shit open source. Like, you don't
Adam:have to
Dax:we can just decide to do that on our own without any coordination on your end.
Adam:Love it so much. Okay. What's what's going on? I feel like I've been disconnected for a while. Is there anything going on right now?
Adam:The only thing I see
Dax:funny because, like, we usually talk about other news, but this week, like, we were kinda the news. So Yeah. You're the news.
Adam:So we just we went over the news. It was you. Is there anything else going on? I feel like the only thing I see on Twitter is people angry about people's on Twitter or something. I don't know.
Adam:Or angry about it not being fun.
Dax:Everyone's talking about that, but I'm not seeing that.
Adam:I'm not either. And I thought I was just because I'm not on Twitter enough. But, like, what are people's timelines look like right now? There's a lot of talk about Twitter not being fun anymore.
Dax:Whenever I see thing this comes up every once in a while. And whenever I'm, like, not on the same page as that, I I feel good because I feel like, okay. I, like, curated the right the right bubble where I'm not seeing all this stuff that's annoying other people. I mean, we have there were a few things, I guess. Did we talk about AstroDB?
Adam:Oh, we have talked about AstroDB.
Dax:Was this week?
Adam:Oh, I didn't see anything about Terso.
Dax:Yeah. They did a launch week. Okay. Terso? Terso.
Dax:Terso? I don't know. Terso?
Adam:I don't know.
Dax:I'm gonna be honest. I think companies should stop doing launch weeks. Very few companies, especially startups, have enough stuff for a launch week. You're better off doing a launch day and just, like, being, like, boom. Here's everything we've got.
Adam:Yeah. Like, AWS, when they do kind of, like, pre Invent or reinvent, and it's a whole week of launches, That makes sense. There's a lot a lot of stuff in AWS. But, yeah, if you're a startup, it'd be tough to have enough noise for a whole week.
Dax:And and Fred said Fred said for him, for Astro, they see it more as a way to, like, coordinate and plan as opposed to actually caring about the actual week. Yeah. But still, I just feel like it's just hard. Like, I I like so and then terso terso terso. I don't know.
Adam:I'm so glad I questioned the pronunciation. So
Dax:Terso. Terso. Terso. In in in the sequel light as a service company's launch week, they, they had some really interesting stuff there. But then by day 3, it was like, we have a HIPAA and SOS and SOC 2 support, and we'll sign BAAs.
Dax:Like, that's not enough for all
Adam:of you. That's a tough one to announce. How many people were like, oh, they didn't already? Oh. Yeah.
Adam:Oh, no.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam:Take this
Dax:down. So they had some interesting stuff. So I always talk about because they are trying to one of the things that their architecture enables is doing things like, having a database per customer, which has some benefits. And I've done this in the past specifically. And I talked about this a bunch, but I've done this in the past when I was in health care.
Dax:We would sign customers, and each customer was worth, like, 6 figures a year, intense security process, like, all that stuff. So to make it simple, we just deployed a database. It's actually a file based database per customer. So we can just say your data is isolated. It's in its own thing, whatever makes those conversations easier.
Dax:And that was great, but there are a lot of downsides. You're just used to being able to query across your datasets. You're used to be able to doing schema changes across all your customers. Like, it just comes with a lot of overhead. Which is why I don't, like, reach for that pattern unless it's really, really required.
Dax:Yeah. But, Persaud added some features that help with that. So they added the ability to do to have, like, a primary database. And if you apply schema changes to that, like, it gets applied to all the databases. Or if you have a 1,000 databases, you know, it's like one step.
Dax:Yep. And they also add this ability to query across them. That one though, I don't think is actually gonna work that well if I understand it right. So but anyway, point being is, like, they're trying to address this. If they're trying to push this idea of you can do this pattern, they they need to solve some of these problems.
Dax:So I think those two things are great, great things to launch. But just do it all in one day. You know?
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. That's a that's a one day announcement. Well, I I need to go back to the Terso thing because there's been so much buzz on SQLite. Like, Terso literally uses SQLite.
Adam:It's literally like that file that's, like, your database.
Dax:Yeah. It's a fork of SQLite called Libsql, which adds, like, a bunch of replication features.
Adam:Okay. So I I have I've I've seen people even not using Terso talking about the benefits. Well, Kent c Dodds talks about it with Epic Web. The benefits of SQLite, and people do it, like, at the edge. My question is, like, is it does it force that pattern where every edge node is its own database, and then how does that work?
Adam:Do they replicate? Like, do you interact with this thing like you would a normal database? Now I'm speaking specifically to Terso. Do you do you, like, just query it and it's just a database, or is it, like, you have to choose which database you're querying? Because this is so confusing to me.
Dax:You you just choose it. So if we look at who's doing this, it's, so it's 1. Fly has their own stuff, with LightFS, and then Cloudflare is not offering, like, any traditional SQL databases. They're only offering Cloudflare D1, which is a SQLite based thing. Obviously all their stuff is like crazy, has replicated and stuff.
Dax:So, yeah, in a lot of ways, it looks like a normal database. It's a you have a thing that you can query. You can send SQL statements to. There's a schema, all of that. The fact that it replicates to me is like a bonus.
Dax:I I think bonus is even overstating it. I think it's a thing you can do. Right? It's a thing you can do, but it's similarly, like, you guys use Postgres. Do you guys have read replicas?
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. Our writes and our reads are split, and we have a few replicas on the read side.
Dax:So it's it's it's just that.
Adam:Wait. It's just that. Okay. So there's one writer. There's only one, like, writer node.
Adam:And where does that live? Is that at the edge? Because, like
Dax:No. It can't be. Right? Because it has to be at a single location.
Adam:Okay. So it's in some region, and then it's just every it's just read replicas in every node, every, like, edge location.
Dax:Yep. Exactly. Okay.
Adam:Well, that makes way more sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So all the rights are still having to go back to 1 central writer instance.
Adam:That that's the thing I was hung up on. It's like, if all of these are just, like, individual SQL lite files living on the edge, where where is the source of truth and how is that how does that work? Okay. That makes a lot more sense.
Dax:I I do think, though, that I think the replica thing is a little overstated. I get why, these companies talk about that a lot because it's like a key differentiator because you can have, like, a 1,000 replicas.
Dax:And that that's cool, but it, like, just comes with a lot of complexity. Like, I get there's the advantages, but most people have never even deployed Postgres with a single read replica.
Adam:The only reason we have read replicas is we use serverless v 2, and there's a ceiling on how much that can scale. Yeah. So by splitting up our rights and then having multiple readers, we just raise the ceiling. It doesn't increase our cost, really. I mean, there's a little bit of additional cost for each instance, I guess.
Adam:But it's really just raising the ceiling of how much compute we can scale to. Because in our peak times Yeah. We use more than 1 like, a 128 ACU instance to provide.
Dax:Like, your writer your right your rights are capped. We can scale the reads.
Adam:Right. And we're not close to hitting our right, like, the 100 128 ACUs.
Dax:Yeah. The the the there's, like, this natural phenomenon where most high scale things tend to be, read heavy.
Dax:Like, public stuff, you know, more writer more recent writers.
Adam:Yeah. Even if we had a lot of, like, interactivity stuff that where the users are writing to the database, like, that's a percentage of your users that actually do engage and do that stuff. But we mostly, all of our rights are mostly internal. Like, it's our stuff writing stats to databases and stuff like that. And then the reading is just generating pages.
Adam:So, yeah, by, like, a ton, reads is our our much heavier workload.
Dax:Yeah. It's it's, like, nice that the world works that way, that most people are lurkers Yeah. And a small percentage are writers, and that, like, trickles all the way down into the
Adam:when it comes to database architecture. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So keep lurking.
Adam:Don't don't get any ideas here. Don't start clicking on everything.
Dax:Yeah, not that we need to be a creator. We can't handle it.
Adam:No, exactly.
Dax:But, yeah, so I would say most people haven't even gotten to that point. I think even read replicas are like a small percentage of projects.
Dax:So that's why I think focusing on replicas is a little weird because it is tricky for someone that's a 100% used to having a single, like, primary database node that does both to switch because in your case, it's probably fine because like you said, most writes are happening internally, But there's all kinds of weird stuff where, like, if you have a comment section and, like, you press enter to submit a comment and the page reloads all the comments, it might pull it from the reader, which hasn't have which hasn't replicated your write yet, and it'll look like your write hasn't showed up. So that read read after write thing. Yeah. So I'm not saying it's, like, impossible. It's just, like, a new thing you have to think about.
Dax:Yeah. And then when you have, you know, lots of replicas, like, 100 of them, it just becomes a bigger question. In practice, I think it what it ends up looking like is you have a good database per customer or whatever. Like, it's really just like a couple people have reached in the database. It's never, like, experiencing anything crazy.
Adam:Yeah. So I
Dax:can see how it works, but, yeah, I don't know. To me, the there's just a lot of, like, things that come up. Right? Like, you guys can just plug in BI tools, plug in ETL tools to get that data out into other places, do queries, like, support the operations of your company. Like, there's a lot of things that come up when you're starting to use some of these more, like, exotic database offerings.
Adam:Yeah. Terso, I I there's a lot of, like, buzz. I mean, I know people that are into it, but I've never really used it. So the all these questions around SQLite have been lingering in my head. Just hadn't gotten to it to asking them.
Dax:Yeah. I think to me, if I step back and look at it, there's nothing there that's meaningfully different yet that would make me use it instead. I think from a for these companies, operations wise, it allows them to do weird things that other companies can't, like offer, like, thousands of databases for a low low price. Yeah. But that's, like, interesting for the business.
Dax:It's not interesting for, like, the end user as much. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. Yep. So yeah. Astra DB. I'm a big Astro user.
Adam:I have not had time to really sink in. I think we've had access to Astro DB in, like, some kind of a beta form for a long time, and I still haven't looked at it. So could you please catch me up to speed on Astra DB?
Dax:Yeah. So Astra DB is built on top of, Tursault. So Oh. It, yeah.
Adam:Here we are again. The Tursault.
Dax:The layers.
Adam:The layers. Turtle all
Dax:the way to. Layers. Yeah. So, again, they probably have the same question. Why wouldn't I just use Trissel?
Adam:This is where I start feeling, like, house of cards. And and, like, I love Astro, so I'm not trying to throw, like, shade at Astro, but I start feeling like the number of abstractions on top of I mean, you guys deal with this with SST. Like Mhmm. We are so many layers thick now.
Dax:I know.
Adam:Sometimes I just worry that this is a house of cards and it's all just gonna collapse, and, like, there's gonna be 2 layers again. I don't know. It's probably not gonna happen. None of us are learning assembly at this point.
Dax:I think, typically, the things at the top collapse, the things that are in the middle and the bottom are are kinda here Yeah. Or good. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah.
Dax:So it's it's, okay. So if you step back, I think Astro went through this thing where, like, they came out. They got a lot of attention, and people wanted to use it for everything. So they got pulled in a lot of directions. If you look at what they originally really set out to do is it's actually very simple, like, kill WordPress.
Dax:Right? You wanna, like so much of still pulled on WordPress. You want if you kill WordPress, you're, like, a multibillion dollar company. Right? That's that's huge.
Dax:A big part of WordPress is the fact that, like, there was just a database there that came with it, and all plugins could use it to sort their data in. The user could use it for the native WordPress feature. So just having some sort of persistence built in, it's like a low level primitive that, like, enables all these higher things. Like, you know, people there's, like, plugins that build, like, a Shopify equivalent inside WordPress. Right?
Dax:Like, people have taken this thing to a crazy place. So to get there, it is helpful if Astro says most Astro users are using this thing to store their data. And that, I think, is a key thing to, like, allow this ecosystem to pop up. Like, someone might drop in, like, an AstroCommerce plugin that just, like, you know, lets you create products and store them and all that. So, I think right now it's positioned a little low level, like it's a developer tool because they, like, integrated Drizzle into it.
Dax:They have, like, a schema definition language and all this stuff. But to me, I see it as in the distant future, you're mostly configuring Astro with the template, adding some plugins. If you have a developer, they can kinda customize everything, but it's mostly, like, low code stuff. You see how this database is a key component to it. Yeah.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. I think that's where it makes a lot a lot of sense to me.
Adam:It's I've never considered the Astro replacing WordPress angle. Is that, like, a thing they've talked about publicly? Like, that that's their angle?
Dax:I think I don't know if they talk about it publicly, but, I just don't
Adam:know. Intuitive?
Dax:Well, I think it it seems that way, and and Fred has explicitly talked about it.
Adam:Okay. So it's just so interesting to think about, like, the Twitter perception of, like, replacing WordPress. It'd be like, what? Why would you who cares? WordPress is so old.
Adam:But, like, the economic impact of replacing WordPress, like, if they actually succeed, it's a huge, huge market. It's like most of the Internet powered by by WordPress. So it's funny, like, the disconnect. I just imagine on Twitter if they were to announce, like, we now have this percentage share of WordPress sites have converted to Astro. It's like, what?
Adam:Who cares? But it's, like, actually a huge deal.
Dax:A lot of people care. A lot
Adam:of dollars care.
Dax:Yeah. Well, it's funny because I think even for the people working on Astro, that type of thing gets in your head and skews your like, skews you. So I think, there was a point where on again, like, the way people wanna use it in terms of their Twitter bubble, like, they they want to use it for all these things that aren't WordPress related. So I think Astro got pulled into like really exploring that, really seeing if that was possible, like really trying to say like, this is the ultimate framework for everything. And they did push that far, and I think a lot of that is possible if you wanna go that route.
Dax:But, really, where their value is is, like, these obvious places where, obviously, you would use you would use Astro, and there's, like, no reasonable other option. And those tend to be, like, the WordPress sites, big public facing sites, documentation sites. Yeah. There's doubling down on that. I think they're they're back to focusing on that now.
Adam:Yeah. It's really interesting now for me to think about where they're headed and and what kind of things will crop up. Because it does seem like there'd be a pretty big leap for somebody who's run, like, the a WordPress site for years, and that's all they know. To, like, get started with Astros sounds like a big undertaking still. It still feels like very yeah.
Adam:It's very developer first, I guess, is the the Yeah. Idea I would think of. So it's interesting to see how the I'm very curious to watch that evolve and turn into something that, like, small business owner could spin up a site with Astro, like they would with WordPress.
Dax:Yeah. I think the the order they're doing it in is perfect because you start with, like, the most high skill version. Yeah. Then you, like, slowly build up from there to, like, just lower effort offerings.
Dax:And that works well because they can always the all the trade off is the low code, no code thing is restrictive. And when people wanted to escape out of that, it feels like shit because it wasn't built in that direction. But because it's built in this direction, the the lower level is actually gonna be very nice because that's where they started.
Adam:Could hire develop like, you could have a developer that knows Astro that could really go anywhere with it because it started that way. That's that makes sense. What what's the old crusty thing that SST is competing with?
Dax:Well, that's you know what sucks?
Adam:What's the WordPress equivalent? I think what's
Dax:interesting and why I'm really motivated and why I find my job interesting is because we're actually not competing with anything. Because I really feel like it's like a new thing that we're suggesting that people drop into their stack. The way I think about it the simplest way to explain it is, there was a time where no one thought about formatting, like formatting your code wasn't like a thing we all automatically did. And at some point someone like invented a formatter and they were like, every single project should have a code formatter built in that's gonna format your code and all of that. And then it became a thing that is, like, a default part of everyone's setup now.
Dax:But I think we're like trying to do something like that where we're like this type of thing that defines everything your app needs outside of the code is something that should just be in every project. And I know, like, we're not like the first to that. Like, infrastructure's code has been around for a while, but in the form of working
Adam:Yeah. Like, it hasn't fully taken on, I guess. There's still a lot of especially web developers that just don't understand. It it's that gap to, like, they're used to throwing their thing over the fence to get deployed
Dax:To the operations team. Or someone. Yeah. Yeah. Teams use these tools and as well adopt it there.
Adam:Yeah. The formatting thing, I think about that, like, at least every month about how I used to have to, like, think about the format of my code. Yeah. It sucks so bad.
Dax:Yeah. And
Adam:then because you thought about
Dax:it, you had opinions of it. And then because you had opinions of it, all people have different opinions.
Adam:Yeah. And people argued it. That's not a thing that happens anymore. Thank you, Prettier and all the other tools in that space. Black used to do some Python work.
Dax:It's widely impactful, like, just the reduction of discussion around this.
Adam:And thought. Yeah. It's like every time you save a file, not thinking about it anymore. It's nice. Although I will say my new event, Prettier d works about 40% of the time.
Adam:Really? I have pretty
Dax:good setup with it.
Adam:It's it's my astrophiles. There's something wrong with the astro LSP or some there's something I do in every astrofile or, like, 40% of them, 60% of them that causes Prettier d to not work. Prettier works, but Prettier d doesn't, and that's what's incorporated in my new Vim. So then I have to, like, run the Prettier format command. It's just a mess.
Adam:Sorry. I New Vim problems.
Dax:I think you have to make a decision. I think you have to pick, like, do you wanna use Azure or do you wanna use Neovin?
Adam:I guess. I mean, I do wonder that sometimes. Like, am I actually gonna install Versus Code again and and just embrace it for my Astro development?
Dax:Well, you can try that Zed Editor that everyone's, like, just bringing to it now.
Adam:Wait. That's newer. Was is that gonna have a chance at working better with Astro? I don't know.
Dax:Might might as well try. It's definitely more batteries included type of thing.
Adam:Okay. Now I'm curious because I hope Tidjes isn't listening. I mean, I love Neo Vim. Neo Vim's my favorite. But, like, I hear about something like Zed, and it's like when I used to be addicted to World of Warcraft and I would hear about a new game, and it's like, I know I'm never gonna play it because I just play this all the time.
Adam:It's just like that. It's like Zed came out, and I was like, that sounds interesting, but I know I'm never gonna use it because I just use Neovim. But maybe maybe I could use it. Maybe I could just play with it a little bit. Just a little bit to her.
Dax:Just try. Think.
Adam:Wait. Zed Industries, is is this it? Is this the website?
Dax:No. It's kinda cool.
Adam:It's light mode. No.
Dax:Zed. Multiplayer code editor. Yeah. It is
Adam:Interesting website. Can I just say?
Dax:They don't even have dark mode.
Adam:It doesn't look like linear. It's got this totally, like, grid thing going on. It's interesting. I'm drawn in, but I did not expect to see Zed Industries at the top.
Dax:Like, I'm at
Adam:the wrong place for sure. What? You make a code editor. What is the industry part of this? Anyway okay.
Adam:Now I'm I'm totally gonna download this and try it. Don't tell don't tell Tietj.
Dax:So did I tell you that I have a Mac now?
Adam:You have a Mac? I knew you had the iPhone. It started with the iPhone, and they lured you in. I I I
Dax:everyone says this.
Adam:Was it I'm Everyone
Dax:Everyone said that they were like, you're gonna get you're gonna get, you're gonna get an iPhone, and you're gonna get a Mac right away.
Adam:What kind of Mac? Talk to me more. More.
Dax:It is really funny. So Liz has an Imac, and I have my desktop set up, obviously.
Adam:Linux, by the way. Arch, by
Dax:the way.
Adam:Of course.
Dax:Nerd, by the way. And my life is great.
Adam:I know you believe that. That's why it's so funny to me. Like, you really love your life. And I I love it for you. You've been amazing.
Adam:So it's 10 years of arts that do it for you. Go ahead.
Dax:So she's like, okay. I think I wanna get a laptop because she likes to work from, coffee shops, whatever. Yeah. And I was like, you know, when we travel, which we never we never do and, actually, a big part of it is because I don't have a good work setup
Adam:as of traveling. That stuff. Yeah.
Dax:So I'm just saying, might as well not travel.
Adam:And I'm
Dax:like, you know what? It would actually be good for me to, like, solve this so we can and I I have a funny story about this, share after, about traveling. So, okay. Let let let's get a laptop. You can use it, and then I can use it when we're traveling.
Dax:So we have, like, a shared laptop, which is which is kind of funny. But so we're like, okay. What's the best option to get? It is by far a MacBook. It's been that way ever since the M chips because nothing comes close in terms of anything.
Dax:Like, with laptops, the hardware matters a lot because there's you're, like, carrying You beat
Adam:them up.
Dax:Yeah. They get beat them up. There's battery questions. Mhmm. There's performance questions because you can't just put in the fattest processor ever in there.
Dax:Yep. There's trackpad things. And across those dimensions, like, nobody really comes close to the point where I'm I care more about that than the operating system. So we're like, let's get. We got just the m 3, the m 3 Airs just came out, so we got an m 3 Airs.
Adam:Came out.
Dax:Yeah. 15 inch, and it's really nice laptop.
Adam:And for me I just didn't see a new Air, by the way.
Dax:Oh, nice. Yeah. That's great.
Adam:Now that champagne color? No. The champagne. Champagne 1. Yeah.
Adam:No. They're Whatever it's called, starlight or whatever. Yeah.
Dax:But for me, it's great because all I had to do was install Alacritty and then SSH it to my server. And I'm back to
Adam:Oh, because you're just doing all of your stuff on your server. Sorry.
Dax:That that's a plot to us. I'm not really using Mac, but I get to use some of the cool things that I wish existed on Linux. So Raycast, which I don't think you use.
Adam:I I I have it. I never use it. I use the confetti on when I stream. It's, like, literally the only reason I break that. I don't know what it does.
Adam:I don't even know what it does. So I'd love to know.
Dax:Funny? I'm actually using it to study how far you can push, like, the command k bar concept because, obviously, in all the products we built, it's like it's geared towards that. Yeah. And they, like, took it where you can kind of it's like a whole operating system where you can, like, build apps inside this thing. Is
Adam:this, like, Nyx? Is this the thing that you get into and then, like, that's all you talk about is Raycast?
Dax:I think so. I'm, like, not going that far into it. I'm actually just more curious about their framework and their structure and stuff because, like, it's giving me ideas from, like, a UX perspective. Mhmm. But I love doing things with my keyboard, and I think Raycast is great.
Dax:It's just it's like you can appreciate how well they executed on this concept even if you don't use it to the to a crazy degree. Console evolves AI stuff in there now, which is which is interesting.
Adam:Oh, really?
Dax:Yeah. So that it really it's just that. I think that there's that enough.
Adam:If I
Dax:think there were some other things. So yeah.
Adam:I use that on Linux? It's only on Mac, I guess.
Dax:Yeah. It's it's, like, built it's built just for Mac, like, with all the Mac native stuff.
Adam:I have a bunch of things I wanna say. Can I say a few of them?
Dax:Yes, go ahead.
Adam:And then you can keep going. First, Alacrty. Really?
Dax:As opposed to?
Adam:Is that what'd what'd you use on Linux?
Dax:I use Alacrty everywhere. So it was easy for
Adam:me to use it again. Linux thing? Okay. Too. Yeah.
Adam:Interesting. Well, I don't know. Ghosty is, like, you know, the exclusive.
Dax:I know I know it I know it's it's cool. You say exclusive? You fucking.
Adam:I mean, you had to get invited. I'm just saying. But it's not like I got a personal invitation from Mitchell. It was just I'm
Dax:gonna join the guest, get a personal invitation from Mitchell. You can
Adam:go get a personal one. I'm gonna
Dax:send it to you Okay.
Adam:Yeah. To
Dax:make you feel bad. M nine will install it.
Adam:Just just download it. It's sitting in your downloads folder. The other thing I wanted to say is on Mac hardware or Apple hardware, the I used to work at Best Buy in the Geek Squad, and people bring in their computers that are broken that they bought at Best Buy, and we fix them. And at least, like, 6 to 10 times a day, someone would bring in a laptop that's like a Dell or like a Toshiba or whatever. Mhmm.
Adam:And it would be the exact same issue every time where the power cord has wiggled too much because they bump it into stuff, and we have to send it off to the service center to replace the motherboard because, literally, that thing can't like, you can't just, like, fix the port. And so the their laptop wouldn't charge anymore because it got wiggled too much, too loose, and now a whole motherboard replacement. Apple with MagSafe, you don't have that issue. And that's, like, the one thing that I cared about on Apple. And then they got rid of it for a while, which was annoying Yeah.
Adam:But they brought it back. It's the best invention that's ever been invented in computing. Transistor, whatever. Like, we're talking MagSafe. You just pull it, and it just snaps off because it's a magnet.
Adam:It's brilliant. There's no, like, loosening. It's all hard and sturdy. And, anyway, that's why you buy Mac,
Dax:last time. It crazy patented? Like, why is not just copied to hell?
Adam:I don't
Dax:know. Yeah. That's a
Adam:great question. And why did they go away from it? And, like, they just did the they were like, well, all you need is USB c ports, and they went way too far with that. And I guess that was the reason to not have MagSafe, but I'm so glad it's back.
Dax:It's the best. Yeah. Yeah. It's great.
Adam:So you're in Apple you're macOS now. Are you gonna put macOS on your on your desktop? No?
Dax:No. That's actually kinda dead. Don't think that
Adam:What's dead? Putting Mac operating systems on desktop? Okay. Go ahead.
Dax:Okay. So I think there's a few interesting things here. 1, I think the I think in the past, Apple's OS was so good that you bought their hardware to have access to the OS. I think it flipped now where their hardware is so good. You're like, I want the m chips.
Dax:I'm down to use whatever OS they're giving me. Yeah. It's good. Right? But, like, it's not the primary draw.
Dax:So putting the OS on my Linux or on my desktop, there's not really an upside to that because I don't get the hardware, and the hardware is what I care about. And then 2, they have their own chips now. So they sold the last the last Mac Pro, the Intel based Mac Pro. I think they finally, like, marked it as we're not selling these anymore, which means in x amount of years, 3, 4 years, I think the Mac Pros will support it for 5 years or something. They have no reason to ship Intel based macOS.
Dax:Which is key to getting it working off of Mac hardware. Yeah. So I think in the future, installing macOS on non Apple hardware is, like, is basically going to 0. Yeah. You know what?
Adam:Operating systems don't matter. And I don't mean that in, like, a, like, a Twitter contrarian way. I just mean I've always thought, like, it does it doesn't really come up that much. Like, the thing that matters is it's in my browser window. That's what I use.
Adam:It's like whatever's inside that pane. But, like, the operating system is so little part of my usage of a computer. I don't know. I guess there's certain apps that if you've been on Linux for 10 years, you know that you don't just get everything that everyone else gets. And I guess if you're, like, a gamer and you're like, well, it can't run on Mac, well, whatever.
Adam:If you're just, like, writing code and being a programmer or being an Internet citizen in 2024, your operating system is such a little part. Like, I see all these announcements for, like, all the new stuff, and I haven't updated the latest macOS, whatever it is, Sonoma or whatever. Like, I just don't care. What is it? Like, the something in finder change?
Adam:I don't care. Who cares? I don't know. I think operating systems are overrated. Like, the fact that it's still a thing people market and, like, innovate on and whatever, and it just feels pointless.
Adam:I don't know.
Dax:Like I said, for me on my desktop, I really need good window management, and I haven't been able to recreate that on macOS. I think you tried I tried
Adam:sorry. Go ahead.
Dax:I mean, I tried with this laptop a little bit. I'm down to try further.
Adam:I mean, have you tried the the Yabai?
Dax:Yeah. Which
Adam:It's such a pain to install. Like, the the installation, which I guess there's reasons. But if it wasn't so hard to install, I'd yell
Dax:about it. It really feels like Apple doesn't want you using it. That's what it feels like to me.
Adam:It's like you're jailbreaking your computer is what it feels like to me.
Dax:So there's that, and then I I obviously game, so I'm always gonna have a Windows machine for that.
Adam:Yeah. When do you when do you game? Oh, you don't have kids. Like, when I it seems like all you guys game and, like, all my friends in the programming space are gaming. And I'm, like, when do you even
Dax:win? Primest kids.
Adam:Primest kids. When does Primest He
Dax:just wakes up at 4 AM to play.
Adam:Okay. That yeah. I guess, if you're really into it, they just get up earlier. Okay. Interesting.
Dax:I don't play that much and that often. And it comes in waves. So I can see myself still doing it occasionally
Dax:When I have kids because it's just it's like an hour or 2.
Adam:I really didn't mean it as, like, a productivity shaming or whatever. Like No. No. No. How do you find time?
Adam:I'm just busy being productive all the time. It's no. It's it all goes back to, like, my, I feel guilty.
Dax:The priorities change too. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. I just it's like relieving Casey is my number one priority in life. It's like as soon as I'm done working every day, I am with the kids and letting her do what she wants to do. So Yeah. Yeah.
Adam:That doesn't leave a lot of time for anything.
Dax:That makes sense.
Adam:I do watch one movie every weekend, but now I'm feeling guilty about that. She was like, you got up early to watch a movie this morning? I'm like, yeah. And she found out
Dax:she found out what you were doing.
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. Then she was like, wait. You you got up at 5 to watch that before the kids got up? Like, yes, I did.
Adam:Because I wanna watch 1 movie per week. I have a nice theater, and I wanna watch a movie every week. I didn't watch what you suggested. I watched something else, so I'll
Dax:talk about it later. What did you watch? I just wanna know what you watched.
Adam:Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
Dax:Oh, yeah. That movie is really hard to understand.
Adam:I am so confused. I don't I still don't know what happened. I must've watched it, like, 3 times.
Dax:Yeah. It's weird because I think I watched it. So I've seen it twice. And the first time I understood it, and the second time, I had no idea what the hell was going on. Oh, really?
Dax:Like, did I literally get dumber? Is that what happened? I watched it, like, 5 years later, and I was like, this I what?
Adam:Like, what happened to this movie? And I did feel like it was a good movie. It's one of those, like, you feel like you're the problem. Like, this is my fault.
Dax:Yeah. Exactly.
Adam:Did a great job, but this is my fault. I'm too dumb. But then you read a lot of people that are too dumb, so I don't know.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. High bar on that. So in that category so did you see what I was posting about? I got a projector screen yesterday.
Dax:Oh, yeah. One.
Adam:Oh, you've just got the project oh, the screen you just got. You had the projector.
Dax:I've had, like, a 4 k short ultra short throw projector for years now, and we've loved it because it's traveled with us when we used to spend time between New York and Miami. And we always found a wall to throw it on, and it was, like, amazing, and and we love it. And we had it in our other house against in the bedroom. This Pinewire, we watched almost everything. Like, 80% of what we watched was on there.
Dax:And then in this new bedroom, we moved, and we're like, there's, like, no good wall in this bedroom to put this on because we have these 2 huge double doors that lead out to the backyard, which we love. Yep. But that's where the wall would have been. So we're like, hey, let's get a screen. So we got a screen.
Dax:We mounted it above the, the doors. So, like, it comes down in front of the doors when we wanna use it, and it goes back up. Uh-huh. And holy shit.
Adam:It's a good place to put a a retractable screen is in front of the door because it's like Yeah.
Dax:Exactly. You're in there.
Adam:You don't need the door anymore. Unless you have kids,
Dax:they just
Adam:bust in and knock in the screen and knock it over.
Dax:Yeah. Anyway door locks.
Adam:Oh, there you go. It's convenient in a bedroom.
Dax:Zuko was confused. He was, like, trying to go outside and just, like, what the fuck? He was, like, looking the projector screen. The door shut. Where'd the door go?
Dax:Yeah. And, wow, the quality difference is insane. Like, it looks almost as good as my OLED TV now. Like, the blacks and everything, like, getting a, like, a good projector screen made specifically for the type of projector you have. Mhmm.
Dax:Like, I was blown away.
Adam:So I
Dax:did a bunch of projector screen research, and I got this thing. And I also discovered they have floor raising ones now. Have you seen these?
Adam:Floor raising projector screens that come out of
Dax:the floor. So you have a fixed screen because you have a dedicated room. Right?
Adam:Just a
Dax:a rectangle? How big is it, the screen?
Adam:I should know this. I'm basically a theater installer at this point. I think it's a 140 inches?
Dax:That's a 140 inches, I assume. Okay. So and that's fixed. You have dedicated room for it. But they have these ones now that are, like it's just like a horizontal bar, and you can install it.
Dax:Like, if if you have a living room, you have, like, a media console. You can put it kind of behind the media console on the ground.
Adam:Mhmm. Mhmm.
Dax:And it comes up from the ground, and it's perfectly tensioned. So and then the, and then you have the short throw projector on the media console, so it lines up perfectly. Yep. So you can now have this, like, 100 inch screen that's completely hidden in your living room when you're not using it. And for me, I like, I knew this was possible, but I didn't know the quality was so good.
Dax:But the quality is Yeah. It it is it is like, I can't understand this. Like, this having a good screen with it, like, it's incredible.
Adam:What's the cost comparison? I haven't priced the TV in forever.
Dax:It's, like, more expensive. Well, I mean
Adam:More expensive than a TV?
Dax:Well, if you're trying to get a 100 inch OLED,
Adam:a 100,000 Yeah. You can spend, like, a $100,000 on a giant TV. But, like
Adam:A normal TV that people buy, like, at Best Buy, It's more expensive than that, but it's also a lot larger.
Dax:Yeah. I would say, like, a really good OLED TV that's, like, 65, 75 inches is probably, like, 4 k, 4 to 5 k.
Adam:That's confusing because that's also a resolution. Let's say 4,000.
Dax:4 to $5,000. Yeah. Yeah. You can go cheaper, obviously, but I think if you wanna get, like, if you wanna, like, push that. The projector itself is gonna be around that price, and the screen is, like, can be pretty expensive too, like, a couple thousand there.
Dax:So it's gonna be more expensive. But, you know, me and Liz, at this point, we never use our TV in the living room. It's just kind of, like, taking up space on our wall.
Adam:Yeah. It's
Dax:like TVs look don't look bad given how thin they are, but
Adam:We don't yeah. We don't have a TV in any of our living spaces. We have 1 in
Dax:our bedroom
Adam:and we have our theater. But we kinda decided in this house, like, we we don't need one. Like, we don't watch in the living room. Like, it's not a thing we're gonna do.
Dax:Yeah. So. Yeah. So so the next time we, like, go and, like, really, like, figure out our setup again, I think I'm, like, out on TVs. I'd never watch them during the day.
Dax:Even if you do watch them during the day, the short throw projectors, since the light comes from the bottom Yeah. The screens are optimized. They're, like, textured in a way where they ignore light coming from any other angle than from directly underneath. So even if you're in a bright room, it still looks very good. And then, again, the the fact that you can, like, roll down and be completely invisible if it's in, like Yeah.
Adam:It's pretty awesome.
Dax:Non dedicated room. Like, some of the some of the videos I saw set up with that, like, yeah, everyone should be doing this. Like, it's the room looks way nicer without this, like, huge screen just mounted on the wall permanently.
Adam:That makes sense. Yeah. We we've got the theater, so I could go on and on about projectors and screens and Yeah. All kinds of things. But, but for the living room, that's awesome.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. And it's also kinda obvious because, like, obviously, movie theaters use projectors still. So the best of the best is is still a projector.
Adam:Yeah. I guess the big draw the big knock on them was and you got ahead of it, but the the light, like, if it's ambient, if there's a bunch of daylight in the room, it's harder to see. But, yeah, if they've gotten better with that and it makes sense that the short throw would be better at that, I would think.
Dax:Yeah. We also never watch TV during the day. That's a good lifestyle thing. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. We we watch stuff after the kids go to bed at night. That's if we ever watch anything,
Dax:that's what it would be. So, yeah, at this point, I'm like, I guess I just I'm probably never gonna buy a TV again. This is this
Adam:is just a better option. End of an era. Dax isn't buying TVs anymore. He's buying MacBooks. What is this world that we live in now?
Dax:Yeah. This is like me switching into serverless. Like, I have all these smart tunnel reasons, but, really, I just wanted to change. Yeah. I'm just bored.
Adam:Stale. It just got crusty.
Dax:Yeah. And it it happens. Yeah. Right after I put all this effort in mounting that TV, like, perfectly centered at the exact right height, we just haven't used so
Adam:That's funny.
Dax:That's fun. The second thing I wanted to tell you about is the traveling thing I was talking about earlier. So me and Liz have not traveled at all since we, like, started dating and now we're married. We basically,
Adam:you haven't traveled
Dax:Like, meaningfully. Like, we haven't, like, gone on vacation really.
Adam:Oh, on vacation. Okay.
Adam:So as I say, you brought her. Like, you guys both came
Dax:to Rio Grande. No. No. No. Like, we we we flew places together before, but we've never, like, taken a vacation together.
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. Vacation. Gotcha.
Dax:You're gonna laugh. I can't wait to tell you this. So, because we got together, then COVID happened. Then we got really busy with work and, like, just it just hasn't been, like, a thing that we wanted to spend money on. And so we, like, never went on a honeymoon even after we got married.
Adam:Which is pretty common. Right? That's not like
Dax:Yeah. It's it's not the weirdest thing, but given So, like,
Adam:do a delayed honeymoon. Yeah. Continue. I know where this is headed. That's why it's yeah.
Dax:I'm like, okay. We just have to we have to travel. Like, we have to do it. Like, we need to go spend a bunch of money and, like, actually travel. I've, like, literally never been to Europe.
Dax:I haven't been to a lot of places.
Adam:Yeah. Same.
Dax:So I was like, you know what I'm gonna do? I got wind that Bitcoin halving was coming up. Like, you know, like, the the rate it comes out.
Adam:Yeah. The halving. Yeah. Very rare. Mhmm.
Dax:Yeah. And I was like, let me just let me just buy a lottery ticket. So I I bought and this is the funny part. So I so there's a company called MicroStrategy. I'm sure you've you've come across this before.
Adam:Yep. Yep. Michael, what's his name?
Dax:Michael Sailor. It's run by the company doesn't do anything anymore except buy Bitcoin. It's all it does. All it does is just buy Bitcoin infinitely, and his is, like, really crazy hack to, like, do it basically for free. But they're publicly traded.
Dax:So you can, like, buy stock in this company. So it's, like, a weird hack to publicly buy Bitcoin in, like, a normal market, and they also sell options against it. And if you're not aware of options, the lot the only thing you need to be aware of is you can risk a lot more and make a lot more with options. So I bought a bunch of options, a few weeks ago into into MicroStrategy. Yep.
Dax:And literally 2 days later, they were up, like, 400%. It was insane. And I made, like, almost 15 k in,
Adam:That's amazing.
Dax:In a couple weeks now. And I we just we, like, sold it all, and we took the profits, and we're just gonna spend it,
Adam:On a vacation?
Dax:On a vacation. We're gonna go to Spain, Barcelona, specifically, and south of France, which is nearby. Wow. And so we're gonna finally have our honeymoon because of this random Bitcoin thing that happened.
Adam:That's amazing. You never hear the success story on, like, person invests in thing. Thing goes up. They actually sell and take the profits. I know.
Adam:They watch it go back down.
Dax:Yeah. Well, it's funny. All the greed was kicking in, and I was like, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna hold it. But I'll let you the moon. I've had this driving thing of, like
Adam:A vacation. Like, a thing you wanted to do.
Dax:To go on a honeymoon and, like, we haven't done this, and we put this off for so long. So, like, that kind of forced me to forced me to sell. I still have some I still have some in it, and, it's up Okay. I'm looking at my thing. It's up $8,000 today.
Adam:So Jeez. Well, the halving is still a little bit away. Right? So where where are you thinking, like, you're gonna time it with, like, you're investing now and then selling after the beginning?
Dax:Everyone knows it's coming up, so everyone
Adam:is Oh, so it's kind of priced in maybe?
Dax:It just keeps yeah. But, like, I've just seen this enough times where I know it goes up. Yeah. Or when around when this happens for no reason. And, like, the Fed minutes were yesterday, and they, like, said they're not gonna hike And that, like
Adam:Oh, they're what what's the yeah. I haven't heard the latest on interest rates.
Dax:They're not they're not cutting them yet, but they're also not hiking them.
Adam:Not hiking them? Okay.
Dax:Like, the market is up the last 2 days a bunch because then, obviously, Bitcoin is up, which it should be the opposite, which is how funny broken it is, but Bitcoin is up as well. So
Adam:So I was trying I've I've been scrolling Twitter for 3 minutes now. Just trying to find somebody is in in Paris right now? France? I saw the Eiffel Tower on my Twitter feed.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. Vic.
Adam:Vic is in is that what it is? In Paris?
Dax:It's funny because he didn't say it mention it at all. And all of a sudden, you just keep seeing these pictures that seem like they're in France. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. Because he's he's talking about walking to the bakery. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. And I remember when he said something to me, and I was like, oh, I didn't mean it that way. And he's like, I need to go to sleep. And I was like, well, it's like 2 in the afternoon. What are you?
Adam:And I figured I figured it out later, like, oh, he's in Europe. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So I
Dax:don't think we're gonna go to Paris. I think we're gonna stay by the ocean at the in the southern side. But
Adam:South France? Is that, like, less touristy? Are you trying to go for, like, an edgy you would do, like, an edgy vacation where you're, like, we don't go to the places you would go to, you normal people.
Dax:Well, I don't like I don't like, going to stuff.
Adam:Yeah. I'm with you. Sense. I also don't like going to stuff.
Dax:I think most people don't. It's like everyone feels like they have to because you're supposed to. It's like,
Adam:what do you do? You take a picture of it? Like, I could find a 1,000,000 pictures of it right now on my phone.
Dax:I basically and those are the same. We just, like, pretending, like, we live somewhere. Like, we like to go there and, like, pretend to have, like, a normal day there.
Adam:Rent a house in the village and just, like, what would it be like? Actually, I I can relate to that. We when we went to Maui, we stayed not on, like, the West Coast where all the
Adam:Lahaina and all that. Yeah. All the resorts. We just stayed in an Airbnb in the middle of Maui, and it was like this little town that had this it was like this, health food store that's really famous there. And we want to stay in that town and just, like, go to the store every day and see what it felt like.
Adam:So we did that for a week. It was nice, but it was also hot and no air conditioning. Turns out hotels are pretty nice.
Dax:Yeah. Well I think people are people are slowly realizing that about Airbnb. They're like, you know what? Yeah. Someone cleaned out
Adam:The hotels were a
Dax:good intention. Yeah. Like, having, like, people clean up the room and the towels and all that. Like Mhmm. It's kinda nice.
Dax:It's the same price, so Yeah. Yeah. But, yeah, so we like to
Adam:When are you going? Did you say when?
Dax:No. We were probably gonna book everything this weekend. We don't know when. Like, it's, like, peak. Anytime we wanna go is, like, peak pricing season.
Dax:But thanks to Bitcoin, maybe we don't need to care.
Adam:Hey. Maybe not. It's amazing. I've got 3 there's, like, 3 I gotta book 3 flights for April. Mhmm.
Adam:And it's not me. Well, it's like I've got a work thing at the beginning of the month. It's literally like me and Casey are tagging. So I go somewhere for 3 days literally at the very beginning of the month, and then when I get home, Casey leaves the next day for a week to a volleyball camp. And when she gets home, 2 days later, I go to Miami for React Miami.
Adam:So it's like we are not gonna see each other for the month of April. I guess the end of April. But
Adam:Yeah. It's like we never go anywhere, and now we're going everywhere all at once. Yeah. Yeah. In one furious month.
Dax:Yeah. Like, we were looking at tickets, and the per like, insanely cheap tickets happened to be, like, the week before React Miami. And we're like, that's too much. We can't
Adam:we can't
Dax:do it. That's like
Adam:because you're, like, hosting a party.
Dax:Yeah. And, like, people are staying. So, I don't know. Maybe. We haven't decided anything yet, but maybe we'll do it back to and and my brother's graduating at the end of April, so we have to go to Indiana.
Adam:Oh, wow. That's random.
Dax:Why don't we go into Indiana roots?
Adam:Is that a college?
Dax:Roots. My
Adam:Yeah. What are
Dax:you talking about? Indiana. My brother is in college. Yeah.
Adam:Oh, okay. I was thinking high school, like, lives with your family in Indiana. Like, what? Your parents live in Indiana? No.
Adam:I gotcha.
Dax:I'm Indian. That's different.
Adam:Like, Indians moved to America, and they're like, I guess Indiana. Yeah. We gotta pick a place. What the heck? Oh, that's funny.
Dax:Is that how it was named? I mean, obviously, not for my kind of Indian, but for, like, native American. Idea. They were like, this place is really Indian. Indiana.
Dax:That was how it Oh, man. It's so unsophisticated.
Adam:It's so unsophisticated. That's funny.
Dax:Well, it's funny because a lot of stuff is just like, when you think when we go to name anything now, it's like this big high effort process of, like, what do we want this to convey? But so many places are named for such a dumb reason. Like, I live
Dax:I live in Coconut Grove, and literally the only reason it's called this and it's actually a nice sounding name. Right? It sounds like, oh, like, you know, whatever. But some guy, when this area was completely unsettled, he was, like, trying to, like, rig something where he, like, got, like, ownership of all of the land, and he was doing this weird hack of, like, incorporating a post office here. Like, he was, like, filing for permits for a post office.
Dax:So he just made up Coconut Grove because he happened to see 2 coconuts, and he misspelled it. He spelled it c o c o a, like, cocoa?
Dax:Grove. And he filed for a post office thing, and, like, his plan didn't work out, so he just bailed. And then, like, it technically was on record as as being called Coconut Grove. Coconut Grove. It just it's just cocoa stuck.
Dax:Coconut. Oh, yeah. I think they they fixed that, but Yeah. There's some older signs around that still say coconut growth.
Adam:Wow. Yeah. Most places are named after, like, some geographical feature. I don't know. Mhmm.
Adam:Waterbend or something.
Dax:What you're, spring what what are you from?
Adam:I grew up in Willow Springs. Pretty sure that was like, there's a willow tree by the spring. Willow Springs. Springfield. Yeah.
Adam:Interesting. There's probably a spring in a field. Yeah. It's so dumb. The Ozarks are ridiculous.
Adam:Yeah. Mountain Grove. Wow. All of them. Mountain Grove.
Dax:People love the word grove. They throw the word grove on onto anything that sounds fancy.
Adam:Yeah. It does sound fancy. I feel like there's a restaurant with grove in it that I like.
Dax:My parents' neighborhood was called Windermere Grove. Just like some vaguely British That sounds super fancy. Yeah. Like, rich thing.
Adam:Windermere? That's like Windermere? Oh, yeah. I feel like that cost a lot of money to live there just immediately.
Dax:It's funny you go there. It's just like the typical, neighborhood with, like, 300 houses, 5 models just copy pasted over and over, you know. Yeah.
Adam:I've gotta I've gotta go to Europe. I'm so jealous that you're going to Europe.
Dax:The the big never been there?
Adam:No. My brother so my brother's a pilot.
Dax:Because you've never left Missouri.
Adam:I have left Missouri. You keep trying to spread this rumor. I love when you get something in your head where you're like, I'm gonna make this a thing, and you just keep saying it. I've been all over the place. I'm quite a traveler, just not to Europe.
Adam:My brother is a captain with Delta Yeah. Just recently. And he they went to Europe. He can just fly to Europe. Him and his wife just went on a vacation for free to Europe, Not like he was a pilot.
Adam:Like, he can just he just could ride on any Delta flight
Dax:he wants for free. Jump on the GPS or whatever. Yeah.
Adam:It's just amazing.
Dax:That is really cool. That's such a crazy perk.
Adam:Oh, yeah. What a crate because it's such an expensive thing to fly around.
Adam:To be able to do that for free and to have, like, a buddy pass and all that. Like, once he gets more senior and he can choose those because those are the ones people want are the long like, international flights, like pilots. The most senior people fly those international flights. Then he could just be flying those legs, and it's like vacation all the time. As part of your work, you're going to these cool places.
Adam:I don't know.
Dax:Yeah. That is really what what are his roots now? Where does he generally go? You know Within the US?
Adam:Yeah. It's all domestic. Yeah. I think so. Okay.
Adam:Oh, I say that. I don't I shouldn't ask him what he's doing lately. Because it the last time I talked to him, it was totally different. Like, he he used to be with American, and then he moved to Delta and started over. And, so he flies a lot out of Atlanta now.
Adam:That's all I know.
Dax:Turns out he's, like, in Japan right now, and you have no idea.
Adam:Yeah. Right. He's he's flying all the international lakes. I don't know what I'm talking about.
Dax:We're getting Madagascar. Yeah. I don't know if it was always as expensive, but, man, traveling is really expensive and I'm surprised it's so many people do it.
Adam:I know. Like, how is everyone affording to
Dax:do this all the time?
Adam:I think about this with lots of things. Because, like, we've done pretty well. We live in a really cheap area. I've made a high income for, like, 15 years. And I feel like I see people do stuff, and I'm, like, how can they afford to do that?
Adam:Like, I would never do that, and, like, we're pretty well off. But how do so many people do it? Yeah. There's there's certain things in American culture that are, like, normal, and it's like, that's they had travel. Super expensive.
Dax:Yeah. It's weird.
Adam:But maybe it's just because it's Twitter. We see everybody. Or I don't know where you're seeing people travel. But we see, like, everybody and, like, maybe that's the only time they've ever traveled. Or maybe they don't do it very often at all, but it feels like no.
Dax:I think everyone that I, generally, most people I meet are more traveled than I am. Like, most people have been to more places than I have.
Dax:But I'm, like, smarter than them.
Adam:So but he's up to that. I'm sorry. Well, that's why. Because you've not spent your money traveling, I guess. That's you're smart.
Dax:Yep. Yeah. So I'm just, like, everyone's just traveling all the time. And then when I go with it through it, I'm like, yeah. I'm not, like, gonna do multiple of these every year.
Dax:Like, that's crazy. Maybe they, like, travel in a different way where it's, like, more I don't know. Just but there's no getting around the flights. The flights are always in, like, half the cost of everything. So
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. If I guess, like, I my brain just shut off. I I don't think that's ever happened on the podcast where, like, I had a thought, and it just literally went somewhere else.
Dax:It happens sometimes.
Adam:Like, it's completely gone. I can't I can't think of what it was. What were we talking about?
Dax:It's a side of the show. Iterating.
Adam:Yeah. I'm deteriorating. I literally don't know what we were just talking about. Were we talking about travel?
Dax:Traveling and how expensive it is. Yeah.
Adam:It wasn't like the thought got replaced with another thought.
Dax:It just went blank. Yeah.
Adam:It was like I literally had nothing in my brain. I feel like I died for a second. That was weird. Happ it
Dax:happens. Don't worry. You're probably not dying.
Adam:Like, Casey, like, talks about, she's gonna get me checked out for my memory, like, all the time.
Dax:But yeah. But we we talk about it as a 4. I think, like, every wife feels this way about
Adam:their Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay. I don't remember that. See?
Adam:More evidence. I just I've gotta get it checked out.
Dax:What are they gonna check?
Adam:Are they gonna just like Kinda like a brain scan? I don't know. Yeah. What do they, like, scan your brain and look for the memory center?
Dax:I don't know. I don't know anything about brains. Speaking of brain scan, do you see the, Neuralink thing?
Adam:No. I mean, I know I've heard of Neuralink, but something happened.
Dax:Okay. So here's here's what I find hilarious. So a couple weeks ago or maybe a couple months ago, there was news that somebody a human got the first Neuralink implant in their brain.
Dax:And we're all okay. That's the reaction we all had. We're all, like, that's so crazy. Like, it must like, what a crazy thing to do. And, it must be some, like, crazy guy that's, like, so obsessed with becoming a robot.
Dax:We all had this, like, stereotype of what we imagined that this person was. Yep. And they put out a video yesterday. Do you know who it was? Can you guess
Adam:who? It's It's a person that we would know who it is?
Dax:We all had this expectation of this to be some, like, crazy sci fi obsessed person. It was a person that was paralyzed from neck down. And this thing gave them the ability to use a computer. They can, like, use a mouse on a computer with their with their brain, and they was, like, playing, like, chess on a computer. And I'm like, wow.
Dax:We all saw this as, like, some crazy, like
Adam:Early adapter. Extreme. Yeah.
Dax:But, like, it has this crazy practical place where it makes total sense. Massive impact on this person's life, and it makes total sense for for them. It's not like this weird, like, wild idea. Yeah. So and you said the first telekinetic human.
Dax:Isn't that insane?
Adam:That's really cool. I need to learn more about the Neuralink stuff, like, what they're actually capable of doing. Is it mostly just, like, peripheral you become, like, a peripheral for your computer, or is there other stuff you can control?
Dax:I think because the videos I've seen before is a monkey playing Pong, I think, with with his brain. Yeah. And I think so, yeah. I think right now
Adam:Monkeys can play Pong? Like, they're smart enough to, like, follow the little ball around?
Dax:Yeah. They they they teach them to play Pong with the joystick, and they slowly remove the joystick with the implant in.
Adam:Yeah. That's impressive.
Dax:And and they, like, give it treats whenever it it scores or whatever. It's not a monkey. It's it's I think it's a chimpanzee. So Oh. Let's be politically correct here.
Dax:Yeah. Yeah. Don't offend.
Adam:Someone is offended by us. Twitter. Yeah. Well, now
Dax:they have Neuralink. They might be getting online. Who knows?
Adam:Who knows? We're gonna be joined. Not the only species on Twitter.
Dax:So it's, yeah. It's really crazy, and I'm like, wow. This is this is gonna make such a huge impact. And what I think is amazing about the human brain, and I'm so glad it works this way, and there's been so much research that has or experiments that have proved this. You can incorporate new senses to feel native in your brain.
Adam:So Like beyond the 5 senses, there's new things we could sense?
Dax:Yeah. Like, if you get, like, a new like, they've done this where they've taken blind people and they put, like, a, like, a electrode array on their tongue, and they've, like
Dax:Projected images by, like, stimulating the senses in their tongue. And, eventually, the person has an intuitive sense of, like, what it looks like Wow. The thing that they're being shown.
Dax:So your brain can, like, incorporate new, like it's like, you know, like a USB port. Like, you you you your brain develops a driver for it eventually. So That's such a good answer.
Dax:Yeah. For this person, moving the mouse starts to feel like natural thing that they can do. To them, it probably feels like they have telekinesis. Like, it doesn't feel like Yeah. Oh, I'm, like, manipulating this thing that's letting me do this.
Dax:It just feels like I'm natively controlling the mouse, which is really wild. And, like, it's crazy what that potentially means to the future.
Adam:I wish I could experience it. Like, I just wonder, like, are you thinking are you thinking, like, I'm moving my mouse to that? Or are you just looking? Like, what
Dax:No. It's not that. It's like it's, it's not that you're thinking I'm moving the mouse. It's you feel it's like skipping that step. I think I can kinda, like, relate this to other things.
Dax:You know how I'm sure you took some language class in high school. Do they have other languages?
Adam:2 years of Spanish. Yeah. And in the Ozarks, it turns out that
Dax:Have you heard of other languages before? When you were in that class and you read something in Spanish, there was a step in your brain where you translated it to English first and then to to then understand it. Or the other way around, you, like, thought of it English first and you translate it to Spanish to say it. You see how eventually, if you get good enough with the language, that stops being the process, and you just start, like, intuitively understanding the Spanish?
Adam:Yeah. There's no translation step.
Dax:It's like So it's kinda like that.
Adam:Yeah. Apps on Mac that work through the Rosetta thing versus, like, native.
Dax:Yeah. Exactly.
Adam:No translation.
Dax:Yeah. So I think that's where you get to, and your brain is capable of doing that with
Dax:new inputs.
Adam:You're totally gonna get this chip in your brain, aren't you, Soon as you can.
Dax:Eventually, yeah. Why not? Yeah. I don't know. I'm like like like, this is messed up, but whenever I think about, like, oh, if I'm in an accident and I, like, and I lose my foot, I'm, like, I'm kind of excited about that because I kinda want, like, a bionic foot that
Adam:looks like Do you want to be a robot?
Dax:You know ones that are, like, springy? The the, like, curve like this?
Adam:They're, like, an athletic advantage. Yeah.
Dax:Yeah. So I've always been very close to dunking. I've been, like, if I could jump, like, 1 or 2 inches higher, I could dunk. I've never had a satisfying dunk. And with this thing, I think it'd get there without a satisfying dunk.
Adam:Just had a fake foot. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. Would it feel a little cheaper, though, if you dunked with your fake foot?
Dax:I don't care about that.
Adam:You don't care. Who cares?
Dax:I love to dunk. It feels even better that it's fake. Your talk, can you dunk?
Adam:I did in high school. I can't jump anymore. I mean, I don't think. I haven't tried.
Dax:Yeah. I'm sure my vertical has gone down a lot as
Adam:well. Yeah. I think that's, like, way more so than other things. Vertical and, like, speed, like sprinting speed seems to deteriorate quickly. We were just running around the yard the other day playing tag, and I felt so slow.
Adam:I remember feeling so fast in high school, and I feel like at 37, it's gone. I feel like I'm strong. I can still be strong if I want at 37. But fast and big vertical, no. Probably not.
Dax:Yeah. I know. It's what kinda sucks. Like, so growing up, I was very good at jumping. I could jump extremely high and far and everything.
Dax:And that was like
Adam:You're not, like, super tall. So it's surprising. Like, if you're close to dunking, that's
Dax:Yeah. So
Adam:that was,
Dax:like, my angle for being good at sports. Like, any sport that involved any kind of jumping, like, I always out rebound people, and I always, like, jump over people at that. That was, like, the way I was good at it. And now I have to, like, actually be good at the score because I can't I don't have this,
Adam:like, weird man like, the old man tricks. You gotta start getting all, like, wiley.
Dax:Yeah. And I remember when I would when I would play ultimate in high school, we'd play in the summer with these guys that were older occasionally. And I would always think, like, wow, they're always in the right place at the right time. Like, they're just so smart about their positioning. And I'm like I'm like, I have to go do that now.
Adam:Yeah. That's funny.
Dax:It is really it's crazy. Maybe you should bust out cleats for when you're playing tag in the backyard for a minute.
Adam:I probably still got some.
Dax:Just lace them up. Yeah. I have
Adam:treats on. Yeah. Yeah. I guess I I probably didn't throw them away. That's funny.
Dax:Yeah. But, yeah, I'm stronger than I've ever been in my whole life.
Adam:I'm not stronger than I've ever been.
Dax:I I
Adam:was just talking about this with my personal trainer. I wish I were. I feel like old man strength is a thing, and I've just slacked off enough in adulthood. Or maybe I just got real in high school, I was, like, 3 years of varsity football. Like, it was, like, a lot of weight training.
Dax:Like Yeah.
Adam:I was bench I think I maxed at, like, 290, which pisses me off so much.
Dax:That's so crazy.
Adam:So close to 300, but I didn't bench 300. And now it's like I have to start over, and, like, I'm trying to get that goal in life. I could squat a ton. I can't remember what I squatted, but my squat was way more impressive than my bench. Power clean, all those things.
Adam:I was really strong in high school. And it kinda it's really disappointing to think about, like, an 18 year old me could've beat me up. Like, that sucks. Like, I'm so much weaker than I was when I was a baby. Like Yeah.
Adam:Just how little we were in high school, it just seems crazy. Like, I should be stronger. But, yeah, I'm not. I'm still gonna work I'm gonna be working my way up again.
Dax:Well, the he well, he couldn't beat you up because now you have training in jiu jitsu. That's true.
Adam:I would pull out
Dax:the jiu jitsu. Yeah. Yeah.
Adam:I'm a white buff. 4 and stripe, people. Okay? I know things. I know some things about jiu jitsu.
Dax:I think you can beat up your 18 year old self.
Adam:Yeah. Maybe.
Dax:Think most people have a different experience than you. I think it's more similar to my experience where when I was young, I played a lot of sports, and we'd always like but I never played, like, football. So, like, yeah, we had to go do weight training, but, like, we never, like, took it that seriously.
Adam:Was it super serious? Yeah. All we had was football. Football and basketball. Like, we didn't have wrestling.
Adam:We didn't have ultimate Frisbee. Are you kidding me? You had, like, ultimate Frisbee as an organized sport you could play?
Dax:Well, it was invented in, like, in New Jersey, so it's kinda, like, really big there.
Adam:Yeah. We literally had, like, the 3,
Dax:4 sports. Play with, MKBHD. I think I told you this. Right?
Adam:Oh, yeah. That's crazy. I could picture you 2 out there throwing the Frisbee around.
Dax:At least we got really physical. It is weird. It's a weirdly physical sport.
Dax:Because because there's no referees, and you're all, like, teenagers and, like, full of, like, anger. Yeah. So And angst? Yeah. It gets pretty physical.
Dax:It was fun, though. But yeah. So, like, now I can't play sports. All I have is, like I can't play sports as much. Like, I don't have to have much time, and it's not as fun because I'm not as as good at it.
Adam:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So all I
Dax:have now is, like, weight training. So I'm way stronger now than I than I've ever been in my life.
Adam:So Have you considered jujitsu? Have you considered the martial arts?
Dax:Because you
Adam:say you can't play sports, and I feel the same way. But jujitsu has brought that back to me. It feels like I'm making up for lost time.
Dax:Okay. So, no, it's not that I can't play sports. I still do, and I enjoy that more than, I would martial arts. It's just not my thing. I I I get it, and I I see how it's fun, and I see why people like it.
Dax:But, I really like team sports. Like, I've that's, like, one of the biggest reasons why I enjoy sports, like, the team aspect of it and, like, executing stuff as a team. So that's big for me, and I love, like, yeah. I I think when I see jujitsu, it's, like, really intense and focused and precise, whereas sports tend to have, like, these, like, like, downtime, then, like, moments of uptime and downtime. Moments of up like, it's like yeah.
Dax:So I think I tend to, like, like that a little bit more.
Adam:Okay. Well, trash, Milky, there's just a growing coalition.
Dax:I know.
Adam:And the techs are wanna do Jay. Are gonna be
Dax:know Jay used to do jiu jitsu also?
Adam:Did he really? Yeah. I keep finding out about people that used to do jiu jitsu. And that makes me sad because that means, like, there's a shelf life here. I'm eventually gonna stop, and I'm gonna be
Dax:one of those people that have used to
Adam:do jiu jitsu. Feels like a thing I wanna do forever, but I know it's gonna stop. But why did he stop? Why did Jay stop?
Dax:Well, it's something to do with jujitsu. It's like this with everything. Like, how many things
Adam:that Seasons of life.
Dax:You used to stream on Twitch.
Adam:You used to That's true. Hey. I still stream on Twitch. That's funny. Yeah.
Adam:Yeah. That's a good point.
Dax:To do a bunch
Adam:of things. Seasons Seasons of Life. Yeah. Speaking of seasons, I need to move on to a different season of this day. I think it's time to to eat food.
Adam:I haven't eaten. I, I actually haven't eaten in 24 hours. I fast a lot lately because of jujitsu. It's just introduced so many positive habits.
Dax:Why are you fasting because of jujitsu? I mean,
Adam:I'm cutting. I've got a competition in 2 weeks, and I go through a lot of bulking and cutting these days, which is mostly just, like, I don't eat for 2 weeks before my competition. I can fit in the back of a Lomi. It's pretty fun.
Dax:I forgot when I was doing this or when I stopped. I was on I was keto for, like, 3 months, and I dropped a bunch of weight. And I'm the going the opposite direction where I'm trying to, like, gain as much weight as possible. So I'm on a I'm on a going up phase.
Adam:Hard to eat. Like, if you're weight training and you're trying to, like, build mass, it's really hard to eat enough of what you need. I mean, I'm gonna say protein, but I hate the it triggers me of the word protein.
Dax:Impossible to eat enough protein. It is a 100% impossible.
Adam:Anyone who says it's not is lying because it is impossible. Like, if you really get how much you should get for, like, building strength and mass, it's like a full time job. You're just basically always eating. It sucks.
Dax:Yeah. It is impossible.
Adam:It's so filling. Protein's so filling. So, like, anything you're eating that's high protein is, like, you don't wanna eat again after you. Like, if I eat 50 grams of protein with breakfast, then I'm like, I don't need lunch or dinner. I'm good.
Adam:Yeah. I know. And I need another 150 or whatever. It sucks. Yeah.
Dax:It is. If you actually measure it out, you're like everyone's like not getting enough protein.
Adam:Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, in turn well, in terms of, like, building strength. Most people, like my wife, like, people that don't care Oh, yeah. That they're getting they're fine.
Adam:Like, there's no such there's no, like, medical term for not getting enough protein. It's just like you're malnourished. You're not eating enough. But if you're trying to, like, build strength and do these stupid athletic things, then, yeah, it's it's way harder.
Dax:Yeah. Okay.
Adam:Alright. Well, this was long. I feel like I'm gonna stop saying that. It's, hour and 20. Whatever.
Dax:It is what it is. Yeah. We're slowly inching up. We inch up. Alright.
Dax:Oh, your average has been inching up slowly. And then, eventually, we'll be at Joe Rogan levels of, like Yes.
Adam:4 hour podcasts. Get ready.
Dax:Man. Alright.
Adam:Alright. See you next.
Dax:See you.