DHH Talks Apple, Linux, and Running Servers
DHH talks with us about his journey back to Linux, Apple's control over the App Store, setting up servers on the web, and tries out Terminal coffee.
Want to carry on the conversation? Join us in Discord. Or send us an email at sliceoffalittlepieceofbacon@tomorrow.fm.
Want to carry on the conversation? Join us in Discord. Or send us an email at sliceoffalittlepieceofbacon@tomorrow.fm.
- HEY — A delightfully fresh take on email + calendar, from 37signals
- HEY — Apple vs. HEY, antitrust, and monopoly
- Fix Consumer Electronics
- Make your day
- ONCE — Campfire
- Install WSL
- Introducing Omakub
- Omakase Developer Setup
- Visual Studio Code Linux
- Tokyo Night
- Home
- Lazygit Terminal UI
- Zen Maintenance
- UncomplicatedFirewall
- Gimp
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- (00:00) - Are we recording?
- (00:30) - How high is DHH really?
- (02:27) - Thoughts on AI + generative AI
- (05:31) - Linux on the desktop
- (18:07) - DHH's journey into Linux
- (27:51) - DHH's Omakub Linux set up
- (35:00) - The hardware journey
- (41:37) - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and connecting your computer to the internet
- (53:07) - Setting up servers like pets vs cattle
- (01:14:36) - Are we just doomed to repeat this every generation?
- (01:19:19) - What would make DHH want to stop programming?
- (01:26:51) - Plugging Terminal.shop