Talking ESM, Work Culture, and Our Biggest Fears with ThePrimeagen

Dax and Adam put life's biggest questions to ThePrimeagen: Why does he hate ESM? How tall is he? Do people around him know he's ThePrimeagen? Why has work culture changed around feedback? Can you still squat? Can we cringe? And what is your biggest fear in life?

Want to carry on the conversation? Join us in Discord.

Topics discussed:
  • (00:33) - Introducing our special guest: Dax Rad
  • (01:21) - Introducing The Primeagen
  • (02:52) - Quotes from Primeagen coworker
  • (05:15) - Why do you hate ESM?
  • (08:01) - Height check
  • (11:30) - Do people know you're ThePrimeagen?
  • (14:45) - Have you noticed an industry culture change?
  • (17:41) - When do you drink your preworkout?
  • (19:38) - Tech business life was too easy
  • (25:50) - Thinking with depth about anime
  • (30:34) - Making sure you can squat
  • (34:17) - What are you learning about in tech these days?
  • (40:34) - ThePrimeagen doesn't do cringe
  • (44:42) - Adam's biggest fear in life
  • (47:05) - ThePrimeagen's biggest fear
  • (55:43) - Do you listen to your own podcast?
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Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
CEO @ TheStartup™ (multi-billion) Stuck in Vim Wishing it was Emacs
Talking ESM, Work Culture, and Our Biggest Fears with ThePrimeagen
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