Grass, polarization and a political take purge

Adam & Dax discuss lawns, weed—all the forms of grass, really. They also dip into some political topics, so brace yourself.
  • (00:26) - What's the fork foot rule?
  • (01:08) - Adam felt an emotion
  • (04:04) - Supplementing recommendations
  • (12:24) - Melting down for the views
  • (13:40) - Twitter Circles
  • (15:23) - Society sucks and is dumb: Grass edition
  • (24:34) - Can you be yourself?
  • (27:03) - Society and the norms around family and parenting
  • (35:58) - Getting polarized or being measured
  • (37:11) - Why not talk about immigration?
  • (45:29) - Does USA do too much in the world?
  • (52:07) - Adam wants to enter his villian era

Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Grass, polarization and a political take purge
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