Friendships, Open Source Marketing, and Event Driven Architectures

Adam & Dax discuss how each generation views friendship, how SST finally cracked open source marketing, and some serverless topics.
  • (00:00) - Cold open
  • (00:28) - Making YouTube videos is hard
  • (03:03) - Age gets blurry online
  • (05:06) - Friends
  • (10:01) - SST updates
  • (15:19) - SST update #2
  • (17:38) - Creating a Lambda warmer

Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Friendships, Open Source Marketing, and Event Driven Architectures
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