Benchmarking, Type Systems, and Good Hustle

Adam & Dax discuss Dax's recent efforts in benchmarking Vercel against OpenNext and then bring on Aaron Francis to discuss type systems and what good hustle looks like.
  • (00:00) - Cold opens are cold
  • (00:27) - Benchmarking stuff
  • (05:38) - Vercel's response
  • (08:04) - Adam is now a Laravel developer
  • (09:38) - ...or maybe Svelte?
  • (11:13) - Why Laravel?
  • (13:06) - Why is PHP so chill and Javascript not?
  • (19:35) - What makes it difficult in Javascript?
  • (22:07) - Why doesn't someone use types?
  • (23:12) - Does PHP have types?
  • (29:01) - The benefits of waiting
  • (32:42) - Is this Aaron's first role in devrel?
  • (33:38) - What is your goal in your job?
  • (39:11) - Devrels for hire
  • (41:28) - What's your perfect Saturday?
  • (45:27) - Once more for Laravel
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Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Aaron Francis
Aaron Francis
Sincere poster. No cynicism, no hot takes. Educator at @planetscaledata. Tweets about Laravel, MySQL, and building things.
Benchmarking, Type Systems, and Good Hustle
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