Internet Fights

Adam & Dax discuss their most recent fights on Twitter and the forces that are driving increased anger on the internet.
  • (00:00) - Not a fighter... but on Twitter
  • (01:16) - What the conflict was about
  • (03:52) - Looking for people to agree
  • (08:08) - Parameters around productive conversation online
  • (12:32) - Is that just the nature of Twitter?
  • (16:35) - Fake Twitter fights
  • (17:29) - Communities that do it well
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Creators and Guests

Adam Elmore
Adam Elmore
AWS DevTools Hero and co-founder @statmuse. Husband. Father. Brother. Sister?? Pet?!?
Dax Raad
Dax Raad
building @SST_dev and @withbumi
Internet Fights
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